
Insomnia at 1:00 Am

Can't fall asleep at 1:00 am. Have a very early morning, but somehow widely awake.
I can't remember the last time when I go to bed after two o'clock. I guess when you have to get up unreasonable early for five days in a row, you just quit being a late sleeper. Back in Beijing, in those lonely days staying in my "attic", which is on the sixteenth floor of a building, I used a lot of coffee to keep me awake even at 5.00 in the morning, which now becomes the time I have to get up. I would lie in bed, and suddenly thought about something and got really excited that I was determined to get up and write in my computer. One night I couldn't keep the due paper out of my mind, so I got up after I went to bed at 3.00 am and made myself a huge amount of coffee. I just felt the eagerness to complete that damn thing right then at the very moment. I was exciting, and would look out of the window where the lights from the hight way were shining like stars.
Now it was just me, and my computer. No lights cause I live on the second floor. I go to bed early and get up early. The stupid part time job makes me like an old woman who feels the urgent to sleep after 11.00 pm. I've got tons of things to do within next several days, some of which cannot even finished only by myself. My futuer is unseeable. What I do know is I will have a serious "hangover" from my insomnia.

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