没有了论文的压力,生活也没办法像从前一样早6晚10了。这几天又恢复到了从前的状态。今天趁家里没人把Before Sunset拿出来看,竟然喜欢到shock的感觉。整部电影都是以说话为主,时间上并没有拉近,有一种异乎寻常的真实感。更让人看到两个人之间的碰撞。很难想象这样一部纯说话,几乎没有动作的电影,可以如此吸引人,让人有耐心跟着对话的两个人的心理走。这大概是我最喜欢的拍摄手法,没有太多的渲染和累赘,只是直入重点。
而比这还要抓住我心的,是戏中人物的感情,和两个人相遇和重逢间九年的沉淀。虽然只是一个下午,虽然不知道他们之前是怎样的性格,却能清晰看到岁月在他们身上的刻痕。而这两个人之间有来有回的互相试探和掩饰,让人看了很心酸。说到时间,Céline 说,
memory is a wonderful thing, if you don't have to deal with the pass.
说到感情,她说现在她pretend to not care:
"I was fine until I read your fucking book. It stirred shit up, you know. It reminded me how genially romantic I was. I had so many hoping things, now it’s like—I don’t believe in anything related to love. I don’t feel things for people anymore. In a way, I put all my romanticism into that one night and I was never able to feel this again. Like, somehow, that night took things away from me. I expressed them to you, and you took them with you, make me feel cold..."
九年前的那个美丽邂逅,由于年代久远而褪色。那个约定早已过期,两个人都已经不太确定对方的存在。而这次重逢,我真的不知道对他们是欣喜大过沉重,还是相反。两个人有分寸的说笑,开着对方玩笑,直到Celine坐到车子里突然爆发出来的倾诉。她说why do you tell me this,其实她大概也在想,why did I come to that book store to meet you. 因为他们看到彼此的伤疤,曾经的青春,在九年后变得生动的心疼。
在两个人跑到旅游船上去的时候,Jesse看着塞纳河边的巴黎圣母院说,二战的时候德国士兵想要炸掉巴黎圣母院,可是最后那个被留下来点燃炸药导火线的士兵却因为巴黎圣母院的美而不忍心炸掉。所以他只是坐在一旁,呆呆地看着。Celine听完以后问,Is it real? 他说,I don't know, but I like the story.我听到以后第一个反应也是,这应该只是个故事而已。而这确实真的只是个故事而已,因为它比现实美太多了。
电影的结束得很有味道,两个人在Celine家里听歌,她跳着舞,对坐在沙发上的他说Baby, you are going to miss that plane.
他坐着,看着她,含笑说,I know.
后来上网查这部电影,才知道原来是另一部Before the sunrise的续集。可是现在我却不知道是否要看前一部,因为那一部是讲两个人怎么在维也纳遇到的浪漫爱情故事。难免会有一点千篇一律,王子与公主。而后面的续集却是真实的人生。黄昏和黎明比起来,我本来就比较爱前者,大概是这个时候的美,更多了份时间的沉淀。这部戏的黄昏先于黎明到来,现在我实在拿不定主意要不要看那部关于黎明的了。
P.S 女主角Julie Delpy也是很不错的歌手,电影开头那首淡淡的歌就是她唱的。很喜欢。
An Ocean Apart
by Julie Delpy
Now, we are together
Sitting outside in the sunshine.
But soon we’ll be apart
And soon it’ll be night at noon.
Now, things are fine
The clouds are far away, up in the sky
But soon, I’ll be on a plane
And soon, you’ll feel the cold rain.
You promised to stay in touch when we part
You promised before I left that you’ll always love me
Time goes by and people cry
And everything goes too fast.